1st Transnational Meeting for EnterSchoolMind, Entrepreneurship in Higher Education in Nicosia, Cyprus (12/12/2018)
The 1st Transnational Meeting of the EnterSchoolMind Project took place in Nicosia, Cyprus, at the premises of MMC Management Center, with the participation of the project partners: M.M.C Management Center Limited from Cyprus, Cyprus Certification Company and Apostolos Varnavas Primary School also from Cyprus, Rinova Limited United Kingdom and 15billion from United Kingdom DIMITRA Education & Consulting and 4th Primary School of Tyrnavos from Greece, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH from Austria and GRUPPO4 from Italy. Read more

2nd Transnational Meeting for EnterSchoolMind, Entrepreneurship in Higher Education in Graz, Austria (22/07/2019)
The 2nd Transnational Meeting of the EnterSchoolMind project in Graz, Austria was hosted at the FH Joanneum premises with the participation of representatives of all project partners. Read More

Evaluation Workshop for “EnterSchoolMind project” in Apostolos Varnavas Primary School, Nicosia, Cyprus (10/02/2020)
On Monday, 10 February 2020, Apostolos Varnavas Primary School in Nicosia, Cyprus welcomed the MMC representatives οf the EnterSchoolMind project in order to conduct an evaluation workshop as far as the key competences of entrepreurial mindset for teachers. Read More
3rd Transnational Meeting for EnterSchoolMind, Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, in London, UK (25/02/2020)
On Tuesday, 20th of February 2020, the 3rd Transnational Meeting for the EnterschoolMind project begun. 15 Billion from London UK, hosted the meeting and welcomed the consortium with the participation of representatives of the Cypriot, Greek, English, Austrian, and Italian partners of the project. Read More

Learning Activity Week for EnterSchoolMind, Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, in London, UK (17-21/02/2020)
On Monday, 17 February 2020, the Learning Activity Week for the Enterschoolmind project begun. MMC trainers implemented the learning activities that all partners had designed in order to foster entrepreneurial mindset in schools, through primary school teachers’ training in 7 key competences. MMC trainers and learning facilitators trained Greek, Cypriot, and English primary school teachers in its newly developed curricula and materials. The Learning Activity Week was hosted by 15 Billions from London, UK. Read More

EnterSchoolMind: Development of entrepreneurship in primary education – Identification of 8 key skills (30/03/2020)
According to the study of the EU in 2012 named “Building Business Mindsets (EM) & skills in the EU”, the development of an entrepreneurial mindset is a basic component of domestic development and education plays a crucial role in its improvement. Read More

Article on the EnterSchoolMind project on MySeminars Website (06/04/2020)
MySeminars website has published an article on the EnterSchoolMind European project, presenting a general overview of the project along with its main objectives.
You can access the article by clicking on the link below (the article is written in Greek): Read More

6th Transnational Meeting of EnterSchoolMind (02/02/2021)
On Tuesday, 2nd of February 2021, the 6th Transnational Meeting of the European project EnterSchoolMind took place online. EnterSchoolMind is a three-year project which aims to cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset in elementary schools through a holistic approach targeting teachers and pupils. Representatives of all the partners of the consortium, that is, MMC Ltd (Cyprus), Cyprus Certification Company (Cyprus), Dimitra Education and Consulting (Greece), Rinova Ltd (UK), FH Joanneum (Austria), 15Billion (UK), Apostolos Varnavas Primary School (Cyprus), 27 Primary School of Larissa (Greece) and GRUPPO4 (Italy) attended the meeting. Read More

First EnterSchoolMind Pilot Workshop in Cyprus (03/02/2021 & 05/02/2021)
The first (out of 8) EnterSchoolMind online pilot workshop for the development of the entrepreneurial mindset for teachers was successfully completed last week. The workshop focused on the competence “Learning through experience” and was attended by several teachers from Cyprus. The EnterSchoolMind project (Erasmus+) aims to cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset in elementary schools through a holistic approach targeting teachers and pupils. Read More

Final EnterSchoolMind Project Meeting (07/10/2021)
The final meeting of the EnterSchoolMind project took place online via Zoom on 7 October 2021. The partners discussed about the project’s completed and pending issues, so as to make sure that all will be set for the project’s completion on 30 October. Read More

Press Release on the Development and Production of the Board Game “EnterWorld” (17/10/2021)
The partners of the consortium of the EnterSchoolMind project are happy to announce that the development and production phases of the “EnterWorld” board game were carried out successfully and the game is now available. “EnterWorld” is the final output of the project and is destined for pupils of primary education, as well as their parents and/or their teachers. The aim of the game is to help pupils develop competences that are directly related to the cultivation of their entrepreneurial mindset. This is achieved by giving different scenarios to the pupils, where their decisions will determine whether they will be able to move forward in the game and reach their final destination, the EnterWorld. Each scenario is classified in one of the six distinct categories of cards, which correspond to eight different competences that were agreed upon by the partners of the consortium, in conjunction with the EU Entrecomp Framework. Read More