
Competence: Learning through experience

Dates: 03/02/2021 & 05/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Creativity

Dates: 10/02/2021 & 12/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Working with others

Dates: 16/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Nina Staebler

Contact Details: nina.staebler@15billionebp.org

Competence: Working with others

Dates: 17/02/2021 & 19/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Self-awareness and self-efficacy

Dates: 17/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Nina Staebler

Contact Details: nina.staebler@15billionebp.org

Competence: Motivation and perseverance

Dates: 18/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Nina Staebler

Contact Details: nina.staebler@15billionebp.org

Competence: Creativity

Dates: 23/02/2021 & 24/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Theodora Blakou

Contact Details: theoblak@yahoo.gr

Competence: Ethical and sustainable thinking (including the sense of community and common good)

Dates: 24/02/2021 & 26/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Learning through experience

Dates: 25/02/2021 & 27/02/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Theodora Blakou

Contact Details: theoblak@yahoo.gr

Competence: Self-awareness and self-efficacy

Dates: 03/03/2021 & 05/03/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Working with others

Dates: 04/03/2021 & 06/03/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Theodora Blakou

Contact Details: theoblak@yahoo.gr

Competence: Motivation and perseverance

Dates: 10/03/2021 & 12/03/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Planning and management

Dates: 17/03/2021 & 19/03/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk

Dates: 24/03/2021 & 26/03/2021

Online/Offline: Online

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Melina Mourtziapi

Contact Details: eu@mmclearningsolutions.com

Competence: Creativity

Dates: 04/2021

Online/Offline: Offline/Self-directed learning

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Ingrid Kienberger

Contact Details: ingrid.kienberger@fh-joanneum.at

Competence: Working with others

Dates: 04/2021

Online/Offline: Offline/Self-directed learning

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Ingrid Kienberger

Contact Details: ingrid.kienberger@fh-joanneum.at

Competence: Learning through experience

Dates: 04/2021

Online/Offline: Offline/Self-directed learning

Name of trainer that implemented the pilot: Ingrid Kienberger

Contact Details: ingrid.kienberger@fh-joanneum.at